DELARA Hall of Fame
Those That Have Gone Before...
A ham radio operator’s passage is noted by the term, “Silent Key,” indicating that the morse key that ham used is now silent. DELARA has created a “Hall of Fame” to honor those who’ve been an important part of our club, and to honor their memory, contribution and most of all their friendship. If you have recollections or a favorite story about one here, or if you know of an operator who should be included, please email us!
Harold “Arch” Arnold, W8HWA
Arch was a man who wore many hats in his lifetime. He was a native of Delaware County and graduated from Willis High School in 1949. Not many people knew all the important things he did with his life, that he was in both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Army. He served with the U.S. Air Force in the Korean War and in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. He was a member of the Civil Air Patrol, Coast Guard Auxiliary, American Legion, and of course ARES and DELARA. He was a Delaware County Corrections Officer, and a member and former Trustee of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
One of my favorite Arch stories relates to his first call-sign KC8RHZ. At each meeting we go around the room and everyone says their name and call-sign, whenever it was Arch's turn he would remove his hat (which had said KC8RHZ in BOLD letters!) so he could read his call from it. That was always good for a few well meaning laughs, and after a few years, just when he got that call memorized.....he changed it, and we started all over again!
One thing Arch loved was Field Day. I put him in charge of the Public Information Display/Table and he did such a great job that after his passing it was a huge void to fill, he would personally go to each local fire station, police department and city hall in the county to invite everyone to visit our field day site, and some years we would actually have first responders and officials stop by! Arch was thrilled when his son Don, KD8BHF got his ham ticket during one of the classes and testing sessions that Joe, K8MP and myself put together back in 2005. Arch was an intricate cog in the DELARA wheel, I miss his enthusiasm for the hobby, and his smile.
Submitted by: Sandy, N8YS
Bill Barry, K8DRE
Jean Blakeslee, WB8FIC
One of my family's warmest DELARA memories is of a Christmas party at The Blakelee's. At the time of the party, one of my sons was in the midst of a science project for school. Jean and her hubby were teachers and they took the time at the party to talk to Josh about his project and even offered some suggestions.
Submitted by: Joe, K8MP
Bob Boucher, N8BLB
Ed Crumb, KA8SSA
George Cryder, W8LGL
Johan Farstad, N8DYC
When it was first suggested that DELARA should have a hall of fame for our members that have passed on, I immediately decided that I wanted to do the feature on Johan, N8DYC. I used to love hearing Johan’s stories of his childhood in Norway and also of his times at sea as a radio operator on a merchant ship.
Johan grew up in a fishing family. It wasn’t just a hobby. It was the family business. His best fishing story told about the time he landed a halibut that weighed about 400 pounds. He was just a kid at the time. What a thrill that must have been. And I’m sure his “fame” as a fisherman grew quickly as the news spread through his village on the North Atlantic.
Johan used to love to talk about his life in the radio room aboard ship. In those days, it was all CW (Morse code). It was from him that I learned about the 500 kilocycle emergency frequency. I believe 500 KC’s was also used for sending routine traffic but when a distress call came through, the frequency would go silent so the ship which was in peril could get its information through.
Most of his time in the radio room was spent copying routine traffic, probably from shore stations. Weather reports, the news, and messages from loved ones probably made up the bulk of it. This brings me to an amazing statement Johan once made: He told me he could read a book and simultaneously copy those messages. He’d have the book in one hand and a pencil in the other and just write things down as they came across the air waves. His brain was focused on the book but his fingers just kept writing what his ears were hearing.
Johan also loved teaching “the code.” When Morse was still required by the FCC, he was our “go-to” guy for teaching CW to our Ham class students. When my son Brian was working toward his Novice license, Johan very patiently taught him and got him through the code portion of the exam.
Johan moved to California in 2001 and not long afterwards he put his Kenwood TS-830S up for sale. I had wanted one for a long time. We agreed on a price and he even threw in a spare set of 6146B’s.
I think of Johan every time I fire up that ‘830. N8DYC: Gone but not forgotten.
Submitted by: Joe, K8MP
Paul Forgrave, K8ES
Paul was a ton of help when I had my antenna battle with Orange Township many years ago. He was an attorney and he wasn't one to mince words. When the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting ended on the night of my hearing, the first thing out of Paul's mouth was "Now we take them to federal court."
Submitted by: Joe, K8MP
Photo from The Quarter Century Wireless Assn's Newsletter
Paul Forgrave, K8ES, was W8GLH in 1977 when this photo was taken. Shown on the upper shelf is his Drake C-Line -- from left to right, R-4C receiver, T4X-C transmitter, and MN-2000 antenna tuner (with MS-4 power supply and speaker above). On the lower shelf, just to the left of the microphone, is an FS-4 frequency synthesizer.
Frank Germann, N8DRT
Martin Kelly, WA8DZD
Del Lafferty, KC8MJ
Bob McDonnell, KD8RBJ
Ellis Miller, W8ARP
Charlie Rozelle, WD8NII and Violet Rozelle, KB8EKG
Bob Scott, WB8JEY
“Bobby”, by which he was affectionately known, was a wonderful, friendly, kind-hearted ham who was always ready to talk about ham radio. His interests included working DX, being DX (many Palm Island trips under his belt), having long conversations with Dr. Ron Long almost every night about the Collins KWM-380 radio which both of them bought shortly after it’s release, being elated when his new 100’ tower that Steve Icono built for him was finally erected, and being equally dismayed when a guy wire broke and it came crashing to the ground several months later. Bob certainly had his share of ups and downs throughout his short life as he was plagued with Multiple Sclerosis which he succumbed to in 1989.
I remember him always looking forward to Field Day and despite the fact he could not get around too easily, he was always there, even in the worst weather conditions. I also remember going up to visit him at his home on Tanglewood Golf Course on Cheshire Road in Delaware, Ohio. His parents built the home specifically with him in mind in that it had an elevator that Bobby could use to go from the ground floor up to his radio shack. He spent hours and hours in that shack talking to locals and DX alike, making friends and creating long lasting memories.
Even though it’s been 25 years since he passed, I still think of him on occasion. He was just one of those unforgettable hams that left an imprint on me that I will never forget and I’ll always treasure the time I spent talking radio with him, both in person and on the air.
Submitted by: Dale, W8KTQ
Photo- Staff Stafford presents Bob Scott with the first DELARA “Ham of the Year” award, at the
first DELARA Holiday Party in 1984. It was held at Tanglewood Gold Course
Rev. Gilbert (Gil) Schroeder, N8KSP
Throughout his career, he worked in a number of capacities, as a programmer for IBM, with Arthur Anderson, and with BF Goodrich. He then felt a calling to serve God and began seminary studies with the AFLC (Association of Free Lutheran Congregations). During seminary and internships he worked with NCR. He was ordained in Cleveland at the Word of Life Church in 1980 which eventually led to serving as a pastor of three churches in and around Tioga, North Dakota.
Coming to Delaware in 1987 he re-entered the public work force, using his computer skills with Scotts Co. and then Fourth Channel, a venture capital group. He finally retired in 2007 from Chase Bank, where he worked in the capacity of technical writer and trainer. Throughout the years he continued to pastor in his own way and until the fall of 2013 served as Visitation Pastor for St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Delaware, where he was a member.
In his younger years he volunteered with the Civil Air Patrol and was president of the Cleveland Jaycee’s. He also enjoyed garden railroading, was a finish woodworker, and assisted with Habitat for Humanity in Delaware, helping to wire and plumb several homes. Gil also was a member of DELARA, Delaware Amateur Radio Assn., operating under the call letters “N8KSP”. With a passion for the ham radio, he organized and taught several training classes.
Joe “Staff” Stafford, NJ8F
Staff was among the founders of DELARA and our first President, and for several years thereafter. I always felt a connection to him because my Mother’s maiden name was Stafford and I was convinced that we were related, even though we could never prove that. Staff was a true Gentleman and Diplomat, always bringing out the best in everyone around him. When we first met he was primarily a low band operator and new to Delaware County, but loved our idea of bringing folks with different interests together to see what we could learn from each other. As you know, that is still the “backbone” of our organization. If you get a chance to read some of his articles in archived copies of the DELARA News, I’m sure you will see why we still miss him today.
Submitted by: Ken, W8SMK
I have to tell you all about the time Staff bailed me out at Field Day. I think it was my very first FD with DELARA which would have been 1987. I was in the final stages of getting ready for the contest when I noticed that the ammeter on my rig's power supply said the rig was drawing 20 receive !!! That could only mean one thing; The final transistors were shorted. Talk about being bummed. I was already to do 24 hours of my favorite Ham radio activity and my rig went belly up. "Well heck" said Staff, "How 'bout I run home and grab a rig for you?" Ol' Staff came to the rescue and I was back on the air. I'll never forget Staff and the time he saved Field Day for me.
Submitted by: Joe, K8MP
Paul Thomas, N8TQN
Ben Van Sorge, N8TPV
Bill Vogt, NE8U
Dick Wynkoop, KB8HXM
Don Miller, KB8SIA
Don Sherman, KB8KA
Terry Webb, N0TW
Left to right: Terry N0TW, Wife Marilyn, and Don Sherman, KB8KA.
Larry Mittman, N9AUG
Larry Mittman, N9AUG was former President and very active member of DELARA. His passage last month was noted by DELARA members with a series of stories, pictures, and fond remembrances… including the time he literally “lit up” a Field Day.
One field day, Larry and I were operating two different stations at the same location. We each had a picnic table full of equipment, and we were sitting back to back. I was wearing headphones, and I heard a commotion behind me. I turned around and saw that Larry’s pants had been on fire, and he beat out the fire with his hands. This caused painful burns on his hands, but nothing too serious.
He was using a Coleman lantern for light, and somehow the fuel cap came loose and burning Coleman fuel ran down the lantern base, onto the picnic table, and then onto Larry’s pants. I was oblivious to most of this and was of course alarmed at this, and it could have been worse. Larry apparently tightened the fuel cap or shut off the lantern, to stop the flames. It was pretty much over by the time I heard the commotion and turned around to see what was going on. Larry then explained to me what had happened.
Submitted by: Bob, W8ERD
I remember the first time I met Larry was at one of our field days, I forget which one. I was leaning up against the truck after we were struggling to put up one of the monster antennas, and he came up to me and he said I’m looking for Sandy. I said “that’s me” and he said “you’re a woman”. I said, well...yeah I am. He said I thought the field day coordinator was a man. He became one of my favorite people after that.
Godspeed Larry
Submitted by: Sandy, N8YS
Larry;s legacy will stay with DELARA- the Yaesu remote rig came from N9AUG’s shack. So any time you’re in the DELARA station, there’s a reminder of Larry to stop and reflect.
Larry’s QRZ bio:
First Licensed as WB7VOT in Jan. 1978 while residing in Montana. Moved to Wisconsin in April, 1978 and upgraded to General in early 1980 and extra in June.
Was active in the Wisconsin Traffic nets and in ARES. Moved to Ohio in Jan. 1987 where I became active in the Ohio Traffic Nets.
Was inactive from 1992 to 2006 and had a shock when I got back on HF. Computers had wormed their way into the hobby, so I had to learn an entirely new way of approaching logging, rig control etc. I am still learning to manage all the computer software. Not one of my strong points.
Have a Yaesu FT-107, Yaesu FT-857, Yaesu FT-950, Yaesu FT-990 and Yaesu FTdx-5000 in the shack. Recently purchased a Yaesu Quadra System which I use mostly in DX contests. Antennas - A3S up 33 feet, 270' CF Zepp through a MaxiTurner made by RF Power Components and two G5RVs up about 40 feet. Put up an inverted L for 160 for this winter’s contests. It also works well on 10 meters. .
I’m also the net manager of the Buckeye Net (CW traffic Net). Am also active on the 8th Region Net, the Eastern Area Net and Transcontinental Corps.
Most weekends, you can find me involved in a contest, especially if it is a CW contest.
Larry also served as DELARA president. I think it was just before my term. He is the one who started sending out the “It’s meeting week” emails. I thought it was a great idea so I continued it, as did the next President Joe and President Tim.
As he mentioned in his bio, he loved CW contesting and also CW traffic handling. He and I tag-teamed a few contests plus we operated many Delara Field Days together. He helped me install my 160-meter Inverted-L and then we operated the ARRL 160 Contest together.
Larry, my son Brian, and I operated the first ever OSPOTA together (Ohio State Parks on-the-air) from Delaware State Park and we won!
Bob Brown, N8OB
Bob was a steadfast member of DELARA, he passed in 2019. He returned to Ohio in 1970 to put up antennas and chase DX. He lived in Morrow County for a while, then finally wound up in Marion County. Bob served as a past President of DELARA, and his other hobby of photography made him the go-to photographer for the club.
Ken Bird, W8SMK
Ken was a founding member of DELARA, and served in almost every capacity there was. He was the first newsletter editor, and was longstanding Secretary-Treasurer for the club until he passed in 2021.
Ken was first licensed in 1973. He was direct (you always knew where you stood!) and he embodied the tradition of amateur radio: if anyone needed something done, from repair to tower climbing, Ken was there! He was generous and always had the best interest of the club at heart. Upon retirement, he spend several days a week volunteering at The James. Ken operated pretty much all bands, with a history of amateur television, HF/VHF/UHF/MESH and many other modes. Ken was active with ARES, including running “motorcycle mobile” for many events. Ken owned and maintained the repeater most used by DELARA, the 145.17 repeater carrying his call.
The club maintains the repeater and callsign in his honor.
Walter Hurd, KC8CNT
Walter was an instrumental member of DELARA, as well as the city of Delaware. He became the Assistant Principal at Delaware Hayes High School. He played trombone as well as engaged in his amateur radio hobby.
He proudly served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War on the USS Eldorado (AGC-11), the USS LSMR 525 and the LST 516 remaining in the Naval Reserve for 40 years as Commanding Officer of Naval Reserve Surface Division 4-97; Commanding Officer of Naval Reserve Officers School; Naval Reserve Public Affairs Co. 4-3 and Chief of Staff for Naval Reserve Group Command 4-32. He retired in 1989 as a Commander with 42 years active and inactive service. He received the following commendations: Enlisted Good Conduct medal; Naval Reserve medal; Armed Forces Reserve medal; Korean Combat medal (3 Stars); United Nations medal; National defense medal; Korean War Service medal; Croix du Bombattant Voluntaire; Medaille Desoperations De L’Organization, and Des nations Unies EnCoree
He was a member of the Gideons, and was instrumental in Delaware Christian School.