WADCO - Worked All Delaware County Award
Certificates !
One very big part of Ham Radio is Certificate Hunting!” Many hams take pride in achieving many different certificates that signify some type of operating event or skill. It might be copying code at a certain rate. It might be working a number of lighthouses around the world. And NOW - it might just be making a radio contact with each of the 18 townships within Delaware County, Ohio.
Spearheaded by our own Bob Dixon, W8ERD, this new award offers a paperless, no-hassle way to celebrate ham radio in Delaware County. It is free and paperless- applying for and receiving the award is effortlessly completed in email.
Townships in Delaware County
Official Rules of the Worked All Delaware
County, Ohio
County, Ohio
(WADCO) Award
Sponsored by the Delaware Amateur Radio Association
Establish two-way contact with stations in all 18 Townships of Delaware County, Ohio.
All contacts must be made after June 30, 2012.
All bands and modes are allowed, including repeaters. This is to make it easier for Technician class licensees to earn the award.
To apply for the award, fill out the Application Form electronically and email it to the award chairman w8erdbob@gmail.com. No QSL cards are needed. Totally paperless.
You will receive your award certificate via email, which you can then print if you wish.
This award is totally FREE!
Special endorsements are available for contacting all townships on any single band or mode, or for any 5 bands.
Helpful Hints:
An overview map of Delaware County, showing its townships, is here:
A detailed, zoomable map of Delaware County, also showing its townships, is here:
You can find the Zip code and address of any ham at www.qrz.com.
By using its "detail" feature, you can get a map of the ham's location.
Compare that map with the above two maps to find the Township.
Another map that is useful in this regard is the Delaware County Zip code map found here:
Many Delaware County hams are active in the Ohio QSO Party. There may be rovers to various
townships, and DXpeditions to rare townships. There are about 540 hams in Delaware County, and there
are hams in every township. Let us know if you need just a few more, and we will try to help you.
The Delaware County net is every Monday evening at 8PM Eastern USA time, on the W8SMK repeater.
Other repeaters in and near Delaware County can be found in the Repeater Directory.