MUD (Madison, Union, Delaware Counties) QSO Party

Each year the radio clubs of Madison, Union and Delaware counties sponsor a contact event called the MUD QSO Party.  It is held on the Saturday of the weekend when clocks 'Spring Forward' to Daylight Saving Time.

This is a 'VHF and up' contact event focused on meeting our neighboring club members on the air.  It is also a chance to test out your operating capabilities across different bands and modes.  Certificates are issued to the top operators in each of the 3 clubs.  The club with the overall highest contact score will win the MUD Trophy for the year (along with all bragging rights thereof).

In this event, you can...

2025 Event will be held on Saturday, March 8th from Noon - 3 pm EST.


Log Form - Excel:

(Download for electronic entry.  Has drop down values for key fields.  You will need Microsoft Excel to use.  Enable Editing when you open the file)

Log Form - PDF:

(Download to print a paper log)

Handy reference material below...