Club Meetings

DELARA members get together every month (excluding December) to hear a speaker, discuss future plans (such as our Field Day efforts), trade radio gear, or even take a field trip!

When: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. 

Where: The downtown Delaware Public Library

84 East Winter Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015 

Highlights have included presentations by professional tower climbers, R/C aircraft hobbyists, various computer experts, radio and accessory builders and many more. Topics may range from restoring a WWII B-17 bomber to working contacts through ham radio satellites. We’ve even had a movie premier! 

One of the things that makes our club so great is the broad base of knowledge from our members. From retired college professors

(yes, we really do have a space scientist) to robotics maintainers at a large brewery to producers of miniaturized electronic components we probably have someone who can help you with your latest concerns!

2025 Presentation Schedule

Date Scheduled Presentation / Activity

January 15th Planning for Winter Field Day (held weekend of Jan 25th/26th)

February 19th TBD

March 19th TBD

April 16th TBD

May 21st TBD

June 18th TBD

July 16th TBD

August 20th TBD

September 17th TBD

October 15th TBD

November 19th TBD