
The Amateur Radio hobby is a great one! One of the challenging aspects is that one must pass exams and achieve an FCC license before being able to transmit on a Ham Radio. DELARA is now recognized as a Volunteer Examiner Team through Laurel VEC. This means that DELARA can give ham license exams (at no charge!)

The DELARA VE team will be offering FREE amateur radio exams at 10:00am on the following date:

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[ DELARA Exam Finder ]

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[ All Laurel Exam Finder ]

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[ Laurel VE Team Finder ]

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[ ARRL Exam Finder ]

Exam sessions are conducted by accredited examiners of the Laurel VEC.

All exam sessions are provided at no cost. The FCC also does not charge a fee to issue and email or print an initial license or for standard changes  to a license.

Note: Starting February 17,2017, the FCC no longer will routinely issue paper license documents to Amateur Radio applicants and licensees. Under the new procedures, a new license applicant who already has an FCC Registration Number (FRN) and provides a valid e-mail address under "Applicant Information" in the ULS will receive an official ULS-generated electronic authorization via e-mail. New license applicants lacking an FRN will receive in the mail an FRN and a temporary password to access the Commission Registration System (CORES). New applicants will no longer automatically receive a license document and must request one by changing their "Paper Authorization Preference" in the ULS License Manager.

If you take and fail an exam by a few questions, the VE team may let you take another version (different questions selected from the same pool) of the exam.

Ready to go? Register HERE:

 [ Register for an Exam ]

Ready to take your test?

Here’s what you need to bring.

I passed the exam! When can I start operating?

Using CW, Digital, Imagery

Your call sign followed by a slant bar and the appropriate suffix: WN4FUI/KT, KA2JUQ/AG, KA2JUQ/AE

Once your upgrade is in the FCC data base you may drop the suffix.